Born in Tokyo in 1993. BIEN’s artistic practice revolves around animation, focusing on the outlines of characters, symbols, and other elements. He deconstructs and reconstructs the shapes and meanings, creating abstract works. In recent years, his artistic expression has expanded across various media, including video, sculpture, instruction, and installation, while constantly questioning the notions of representation. Additionally, BIEN’s artistic approach often incorporates diverse cultural contexts, which has become a distinctive characteristic of his expression.
2024 | そこにある魔法:The Magic that exists around there, Island Japan, Tokyo, Japan Solo Exposition de BIEN, Les Ateliers d’Artistes de Belleville, Paris, France |
2023 | PlanetesQue: The Case of B, PARCEL, Tokyo, Japan PlanetesQue: The Case of Y, People, Tokyo, Japan |
2022 | Green Green Grass of Home, HAITSU Nishiogikubo, Tokyo, Japan |
2021 | DUSKDAWNDUST, PARCEL, Tokyo, Japan |
2018 | WOOZY WIZARD, BLOCK HOUSE, Tokyo, Japan |
2024 | A Personal View of Japanese Contemporary Art: Takahashi Ryutaro Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (Lakeside) + (Site-specific) + (?)一夏休みの美術館観察 , Ichihara Lakeside Museum, Chiba, Japan PlanetesQue: The Case of O – Yambaru Art Festival 2023-2024, Okinawa, Japan |
2022 | アペルト17 SCAN THE WORLD [NEW GAME], Kanazawa 21st Century Museum, Kanazawa, Japan Reborn-Art Fesetival, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi, Japan SIDE CORE – 路・線・図 II-, Gallery Trax, Yamanashi, Japan Planet Samsa, Shinjyuku, Tokyo, Japan Light Line, OIL by Bijutsutecho Gallery, Tokyo, Japan |
2021 | BIEN + AKIRA “LAND”, Gallery Trax, Yamanashi, Japan WH-012 / SALADBAR, WHITEHOUSE, Tokyo, Japan AFTER APOX. by BIEN, DIEGO and GASIUS, CALM & PUNK GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan SCAN THE WORLD [STAGE: TELEPHONE GAME], Gallery 10, Tokyo, Japan -Inside the Collector’ s Vault, vol.1- 解き放たれたコレクション , WHAT, Tokyo, Japan |
2020 | working/editing 制作と編集, akibatamabi21, Tokyo, Japan |
2019 | Reborn-Art Festival , Ishinomaki City, Miyagi, Japan |
2018 | SCAN THE WORLD [STAGE: COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR], FL田SH, Tokyo, Japan 変容する周辺 近郊、団地 , Yashio Projects, Tokyo, Japan |
理由なき反抗 – Rebel Without A Cause, The Watari Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan | |
2017 | Reborn-Art Festival, Ishinomaki city, Miyagi, Japan |
SIDE CORE – 路・線・図 – , Gallery TRAX, Yamanashi, Japan |