Open on Wed - Sun
14:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mon, Tue, National Holidays
Opening reception on April 18th, Fri. 18:00-21:00
野村在|Zai Nomura
details - JP
この度parcelでは、4月19日(土)より野村在による個展「今日、という日 / Today, is the day」を開催いたします。
details - EN
parcel is pleased to present “Today, is the day”, a solo exhibition by Zai Nomura, opening on Saturday, April 19.
We warmly invite you to the opening reception on Friday, April 18, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, where the artist will be in attendance. We look forward to your visit.
展覧会、各作家、作品等に関するお問い合わせはcontact@parceltokyo.jp までお願いいたします。
For further information regarding this exhibitions or the artists, artworks please contact us at contact@parceltokyo.jp
1979 年生まれ。ニューヨークと神戸を拠点に活動。
2009 年ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス校 MFA 取得
2013 年武蔵野美術大学造形研究博士後期課程 造形芸術専攻作品制作研究領域修了
1979 Born in Japan / Lives and works in New York and Kobe, Japan.
2009 MFA from Goldsmiths, the University of London
2013 Ph.D. in Fine Arts from Musashino University in Tokyo
Using diverse media such as sculpture, photography, mechanical devices, and performance, and combining contrasting materials, Nomura visualizes the lingering presence of those who have passed, still remaining in ones memory, expressing the fragility and certainty of life, as well as the conflicting emotions of the sorrow of absence and the preciousness of existence.
主な展示 | Selected exhibitions
2024 It’s OK, the fact you exist will never fade even though this universe will be gone, SHISEIDO Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2024 Can’t Remember I Forgot You, TOKAS, Tokyo, Japan
2021 Echoes, Ulterior Gallery, New York, USA
収蔵・コレクション | Public and Private Collections
SEASiON, Japan
RICOH, 3L building, Japan
The Beige, Siem Reap, Cambodia
IHI Innovation Center, Japan