at parcel
Open on Wed - Sun
14:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mon, Tue
Opening reception on 12.01.Fri 18:00 - 21:00
佐宗 乃梨子 | Noriko Saso
details - JP
この度、parcelでは佐宗乃梨子の個展を開催いたします。本年2月に九段下・科学技術館にて行われたアートイベント EASTEAST_Tokyo 2023にて高さ3mを超える大型作品を発表して以来、parcelからは2度目の作品発表となります。
佐宗乃梨子はガラスや金属といった可塑性のある素材を用いて、身体の物質性を主題とした彫刻表現をする作家です。日本書紀に描かれている黄泉の国から怒りを顕に姿を表すイザナミの物語を題材とした大作 “youtopia”をはじめ、神話やゾンビといった死生観に関わる架空の存在を主なモチーフとしています。ステンドグラスの手法を用いた佐宗の彫刻には細密までこだわり抜かれたディティール、手指で造形し素材の厚みを操作することによって生み出されるガラスの繊細なゆらぎと同時に、稜線を縁取る金属の力強いラインや時に正面性の強いフォルムを取り入れ荘重さが同居しています。
youtopia, 2021, mixed media
恋人たち, bottle glass, 2020
details - EN
At parcel, we are pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Noriko Saso. Since presenting a large-scale work exceeding 3 meters in height at the art event EASTEAST_Tokyo 2023 held in February of this year at Kudanshita, Tokyo, this will be the second presentation of works from parcel.
Noriko Saso is an artist who uses pliable materials such as glass and metal to express sculptural representations with the materiality of the human body as the main work theme. Her works often revolve around fictional entities related to the perception of life and death, drawing inspiration from myths and concepts such as the story of Izanami expressing anger from the land of the dead “Yomi” as depicted in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters). Her major work, “youtopia,” is based on this theme, along with other motifs involving myths and zombies. Saso’s sculptures, using the stained glass technique, exhibit a meticulous attention to detail, capturing the delicate undulations of glass created by manipulating the thickness of the material through manual shaping, as well as the powerful lines of metal outlining the edges and occasionally incorporating frontal, imposing forms, coexisting with a sense of solemnity.
A large-scale work to be presented at this exhibition takes inspiration from the time when classical paintings were predominant, particularly from Manet’s portrayal of “Olympia” as a nude in contemporary society and the classical theme of the Virgin Mary and child depicting the corpse in “Pieta.” The hollow, thin shell-like shape explicitly expresses the materiality of the body as a vessel for the soul. Additionally, Saso utilizes the transparency of glass to incorporate light into the work, liberating the physical sense of sculpture and the ponderous quality of the material. The woman, cradled by the abstract presence resembling a mountain, maintains a firm gaze while maggots emerge on her body. She is enveloped in vivid and fantastical light within the dimness, radiating a mysterious presence.
In a series of small-scale works crafted from materials such as wine bottles and colored glass, the thematic elements draw inspiration from classical sculptures, including those from Greek mythology, as well as an eroticism evoking a sense of narrative. Leveraging the characteristics of glass casting, the allure is accentuated through the traces of the artists fingers left in the prototype and the organic forms inadvertently created through imperfect casting. The unique imbalance and expressions of glass conjure an image that seems to float away from the tangible world, released from the constraints of temporality.
androogynous, bottle glass, 2022
“No matter how civilization evolves, human endeavors remain bound to the physical body. The body is tied to sexuality, and sexuality is linked to life, weaving life like a string of beads. I’ve heard stories that the universe repeats cycles of expansion and contraction, much like the natural cycles we observe. Just as nature circulates, there might exist the next world or the next universe,” – Saso
From myths woven by humans who lived in ancient times to the historical narratives depicted in paintings, and even to zombies embraced as contemporary entertainment, these are fictional tales born from questions, prayers, and contemplation about suffering, life, and death that transcend time and place. Even in the modern era where various mysteries have been unraveled by the advancement of civilization, humans, unchanged from the time when myths were spun, are born as material bodies within the grand workings of nature. They experience struggles and cannot help but fantasize about utopias or dystopias. Confronting reality gives birth to imagination, and through imagination, there exists a reality that can be approached. These seem to be counterparts, yet their boundaries are ambiguous. Please take a moment to appreciate Saso’s perspective, delicately intersecting reality and romance, navigating the space in between.
佐宗 乃梨子 | Noriko SASO
1988 Born in Kanagawa pref. Japan.
BA sculpture, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2014 / PHD Sculpture, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2021.
Saso’s works are made of glass, metal, and other materials, while using wax as a modeling medium that retains traces of her fingerprints and finger shapes. She creates a series of stained glass works that focus on the material- ity of the body, mainly using zombies and mythology as motifs, as well as relief works made from empty bottles, and glass sculptures.