






Open on Wed - Sun
14:00 - 19:00

Closed on Mon, Tue, Summer Holidays: 8/11 Sun - 8/20 Tue
夏季休暇:8月11日(日) 〜 8月20日(火)

Opening reception on July 26th, Fri. 18:00-21:00


小西 真奈|Mana Konishi
ディナ・ガディア|Dina Gadia
シャギニ・ラトゥナ・ウーラン|Syagini Ratna Wulan
森 千裕|Chihiro Mori

details - JP


Detail from Mana Konishi “Untitled” 2023, oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm


Detail from Dina Gadia “OOOO!” 2024, acrylic on canvas, 81.28 x 106.68 x 3cm


details - EN

We are pleased to announce that PARCEL will be hosting a group exhibition titled “Perspectives.” This exhibition will feature four artists from both Japan and abroad, who each explore the roles and viewpoints in contemporary society through unique perspectives and diverse forms of expression in painting.

Syagini Ratna Wulan “43°C” 2020, Lacquer paint on shaped canvas 120 x 150cm


The exhibition will include works by Mana Konishi, who captures the landscapes she has visited with a light touch, conveying the atmosphere and presence through her brushstrokes. Dina Gadia, based in Manila, combines images and text sourced from printed materials to create works that reflect contemporary societal issues, evoking the historical context and people of the region. Syagini Ratna Wulan is interested in the physical approach to abstract painting and its interactive potential, incorporating her observations on how people perceive color into both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works, as well as installations. Chihiro Mori reinterprets and reconstructs landscapes, logos, and childhood drawings observed in her unique urban explorations, producing outputs that transcend mere painting to capture time, memory, value, and context.

Chihiro Mori “Monk’s Confusion” 2023, Watercolor, watercolor paper, acrylic, pencil 168 x 120 x 4cm

Each artist uses different methods to address the phenomena and subjects around them, as well as personal experiences, resulting in varied artworks. Amid the rapidly changing and chaotic social landscape, we hope that this exhibition will encourage visitors to once again appreciate the importance of paying attention to the objects and people around them through the perspectives of these artists.

Photo credit: Kohei Omachi (W)

展覧会、各作家、作品等に関するお問い合わせはcontact@parceltokyo.jp までお願いいたします。
For further information regarding this exhibitions or the artists, artworks please contact us at contact@parceltokyo.jp 

小西 真奈|Mana Konishi
1968 東京都生まれ
1993 コーコラン・スクール・オブ・アート卒業
1996 メリーランド・インスティテュート・カレッジ・オブ・アート修了
2006 VOCA展最優秀賞「VOCA賞」を受賞

1968 Born in Tokyo, Japan
1993 BFA Graduated from Corcoran School of Art, Washington DC, USA
1996 MFA Completed Master Course at Maryland Institute College of Art, Hoffberger School of Painting, Baltimore MD, USA



ディナ・ガディア|Dina Gadia
1986 フィリピン生まれ
2006 ファー・イースタン大学マニラ校美術学部広告専攻修了

1986 Born in Pangasinan, Philippines
2006 BFA in Advertising, Far Eastern University
Currently lives and works in Manila, Philippines


シャギニ・ラトゥナ・ウーラン|Syagini Ratna Wulan
1979 インドネシア生まれ
2001 バンドン工科大学美術学部 卒
2005 ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス文化研究修士課程修了

1979 Born in Indonesia
2001 BA Fine Art, Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
2006 MA Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Currently lives and works in Bandung, Indonesia

Artist’s IG


森 千裕|Chihiro Mori
1978 大阪府生まれ
2005 京都市立芸術大学大学院修士課程美術研究科絵画専攻修了

1978 Born in Osaka
2005 Graduated from Masters Program in Painting, Kyoto City University of Fine Arts Graduate School of Art
Currently lives and works in Tokyo
