
Art Fair




Frieze Seoul at COEX | Booth F6

Frieze Seoul 2024

ルー・ヤン|Lu Yang

details - JP

Received the Focus Asia Stand Prize for Frieze Seoul 2024

PARCELはこの度 Frieze Seoul 2024 Asia Focus Sectionにて、上海と東京を拠点とするアーティスト、ルー・ヤンの映像作品 「Doku The Flow」をアジアで初めて発表いたします。

この作品は、4月にFondation Louis Vuittonで展示された「DOKU」シリーズの第2章です。「DOKU」は、釈迦の教えである「独生独死、独去独来」に由来し、現実世界や仮想空間のどの次元においても命は孤独であることを意味します。今作「DOKU The Flow」は、すべての現象や事物が、固定的な実在性や本質を持たないと説く仏教の中観派哲学に基づきその思想はデジタル上で精巧に創造された作者自身の肉体によって体現されます。優美にも複雑に交差する3Dアニメーションの時空でDOKUは様々な仮想の人格を通して現実を超越し、やがてその先に存在する「空」という究極の真理に到達します。

「DOKU The Flow」と共に、Frieze Seoul では新しい映像作品も併せて発表致します。これは、PARCEL が Frieze Seoulで発表する2回目の展示となります。

Lu Yang, DOKU The Flow, 2024, 4K Video,Sound 50’15’’ courtesy of the artist, Société, Berlin and PARCEL

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PARCEL is pleased to announce its participation for Frieze Seoul 2024 for the Asia Focus Section, presenting Shanghai and Tokyo based artist Lu Yang’s DOKU The Flow for the first time in Asia.

DOKU The Flow is the second chapter in the “DOKU” series, which was showcased in April at the Fondation Louis Vuitton, which features the new adventures of DOKU, a virtual entity meticulously crafted from the artist’s digitized form. The character is inspired by the Japanese phrase “Dokusho Dokushi,” which means “We are born alone, and we die alone.” DOKU The Flow is inspired by the Madhyamika school of Buddhist philosophy, which argues that all things lack inherent nature, substance, and essence. Through richly intricate 3D animations presented in non-linear sequences, Lu Yang’s DOKU transitions between different digital personas, transcending traditional reality to reach a profound understanding of this emptiness.

This marks the first time the film is being shown in Asia, and will be the second presentation for PARCEL at Frieze Seoul.

DOKU The Flow was produced with the support of the Foundation Louis Vuitton.

展覧会、各作家、作品等に関するお問い合わせはcontact@parceltokyo.jp までお願いいたします。
For further information regarding this exhibitions or the artists, artworks please contact us at contact@parceltokyo.jp

ルー・ヤン|Lu Yang

LuYang is a contemporary interdisciplinary artist based in Tokyo and Shanghai. His work, deeply influenced by Buddhist philosophy, explores themes of identity, life, technology, and spirituality. Among his many notable works, the recent series “DOKU – Alone Together” uses his digital persona to address contemporary human issues and aims to spread Buddhist wisdom. LuYang extensively utilizes computer graphics (CG) technology and game engines as creative media, collaborating with experts from various fields such as scientists, psychologists, designers, and music producers.

His recent solo museum exhibitions include the Louis Vuitton Museum in Paris, the Mudec Museum in Milan, the Kunsthalle Basel Museum in Switzerland, the PalaisPopulaire in Berlin, the ARoS Aarhus Art Museum in Denmark, the Kunstpalais Museum in Erlangen, and MOCA Cleveland in the USA. He participated in the Venice Biennale in both 2015 and 2022 and has been involved in other major museum exhibitions and biennials/triennials. LuYang was awarded the BMW Art Journey in 2019 and was also the recipient of the Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year award in 2022.