Open on Wed - Sun
14:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mon, Tue, National Holidays
Opening reception on March 15th, Fri. 18:00-21:00
* The artist will also be present for the reception.
System of Culture
details - JP
この度parcelでは、2024年3月16日(土)より、System of Cultureの個展「Exhibit 6」を開催いたし ます。
System of Cultureの作品は「静物写真」を制作の軸にしながら、今日まで蓄積し発信され続けている膨大な量のイメージおよび理論を参照し、それらの関係を作品化することで物事に対する視点の変化を促しています。
写真研究・美術批評として活動する村上由鶴(むらかみ・ゆづ)氏は「System of Cultureが活動を開 始した2010年代は、あらゆるイメージ・情報が、TumblrやInstagram、YouTubeなどのソーシャル メディア上で等価なものとして流通することが常態化した時代」であるとし、そのことがSystem of Cultureに大きな影響を与えたとしています。それ故に作家が「アルゴリズムによって最適化され たフィードを通じて、権威を剥奪されたイメージに晒され続けるというインプットの形式とその影響 に自覚的である」こと、またそのような「イメージの濁流のなかでどのように存在感を示すことがで きるか」を問うている作家である点に特徴を見出しています。
こうしたSNS以前とは異なる写真との触れ方は、モダニズムの時代の後に現れたコンセプチュア ル・アートの存在を想起させます。
System of Cultureがアーティストとして立つ場所は、この歴史の後に生まれた地平にあると思っている。誰もが写真を撮れる時代に、写真の性質を自覚しながら、積極的に歴史と他ジャンルを参照して「遊ぶ」こと、日常生活に広がる情報を分け隔てなく吸収し、自身の経験やコンセプトを表現するために写真を用いること。私たちはSystem of Cultureの作品を見ると、潜在的な物語や主題を探すように誘惑される。
System of Culture「Book 2」より一部抜粋
ー 大澤紗蓉子(横浜美術館 学芸員)
村上氏と大澤氏による文章にもあるように、System of Cultureの作品は今の時代における「写真」というメディアの存在意義を問う作品となっています。 本展では東京では未発表の作品を展示する他、System of Cultureの全てのシリーズをまとめた 作品集「Book 2」の販売も行いますので、ぜひこの機会にご覧いただきたいと思います。
details - EN
parcel is pleased to present “Exhibit 6,” a solo exhibition by System of Culture, starting Saturday, March 16, 2024.
The works of System of Culture, while centered around still life photography, draw upon a vast accumulation of images and theories that have been continuously disseminated and referenced up to the present day, transforming perspectives on things by materializing the relationships between them.
Yuzu Murakami, who is active in photography research and art criticism, notes that “The 2010s, when System of Culture began its activities, was an era where all kinds of images and information circulated as equivalents on social media platforms such as Tumblr, Instagram, and YouTube.” He suggests that this had a significant impact on System of Culture. Consequently, the artist is conscious of the input format and its effects, as they are continually exposed to deauthorized images through feeds optimized by algorithms. The artist is characterized by questioning how they can assert their presence amidst the torrent of images.
This approach to photography, distinct from the pre-SNS era, evokes the presence of Conceptual Art that emerged after the era of Modernism.
“Conceptual Art not only captures the world but also poses questions through photography. And it is us, the viewers, who give meaning to those questions. It’s about the awareness of the act of seeing on the part of the viewer. Post-Conceptual Art photography expression emerged from the tension between the photographer and the viewer.
I believe System of Culture occupies a space as an artist in the horizon born after this history. In an era where anyone can take photographs, we must be aware of the nature of photography, actively “playing” with references to history and other genres, absorbing the information that spreads throughout our daily lives without distinction, and using photography to express our own experiences and concepts. When we see the works of System of Culture, we are tempted to search for underlying narratives and themes.”
Excerpt from System of Culture’s “Book 2” – Sayoko Ōsawa (Curator, Yokohama Museum of Art)
As stated in the texts by Murakami and Ōsawa, System of Culture’s works question the existence of the medium of “photography” in this day and age. In this exhibition, alongside exhibiting previously unreleased works in Tokyo, we will also be offering for sale “Book 2,” a compilation of all series by System of Culture. We hope you take this opportunity to view the exhibition and explore their collection.
Photo credit: Kohei Omachi (W)
展覧会、各作家、作品等に関するお問い合わせは までお願いいたします。
For further information regarding this exhibitions or the artists, artworks please contact us at
System of Culture
武蔵野美術大学視覚伝達デザイン学科卒。2017年に活動をスタート。日常の気づきを元に、絵画や映画など様々なものからインスピレーションを得て構築される “作られた” 写真を制作。現代社会を客観的に見つめながら、シニカルに淡々と意味深な瞬間を作り出し、日常において私たちにささやかな視点の転換を投げかけている。2021年「JAPAN PHOTO AWARD 2021」Patricia Karallis賞受賞。2022年「VOCA展2022」上野の森美術館。
A graduate of Musashino Art University, Department of Visual Communication Design. System of Culture’s project began in 2017, creating “fabricated” photographs based on everyday realizations, constructed by drawing inspiration from various things such as paintings and films. While objectively observing contemporary society, the artist cynically and impassively creates meaningful moments, prompting us to shift our perspective subtly in our daily lives. Winner of the Patricia Karallis Prize at the “JAPAN PHOTO AWARD 2021” and has also exhibited at the “VOCA Exhibition 2022” at The Ueno Royal Museum in 2022.
個展 | Solo Exhibitions
2024 “Exhibit 6” parcel (Tokyo, Japan)
2023 “Exhibit 5 Then, passed over” BnA Alter Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
2022 “Exhibit 4” CALM & PUNK GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
2022 “Exhibit 3 sacred place” PUBLICIS WALL GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
2020 “Exhibit 2 EMULSION” Alternative space The White (Tokyo, Japan)
2017 “Exhibit 1” Gallery HANARE (Tokyo, Japan)
グループ展 | Group Exhibitions
2023 “vol #1 Akira Kamo / Taro Maruyama / System of Culture” AMATEUR (Tokyo, Japan)
2023 “EPOCHS” Rising Field KARUIZAWA (Nagano, Japan)
2022 “VOCA 2022” The Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo, Japan)
2021 “sub-cultureII/the player” R for D (Tokyo, Japan)
2021 “sub-culture” I SEE ALL (Osaka, Japan)
Awards | Art Fairs
2023 “Foundations” Artsy
2022 “Asama International Photo Festival”
2021 “Patricia Karallis Prize”
2018 “EyeEm Awards 2018” Still Life Category Top 10 Finalist